msSelectionEditor Beta Release Notes __________________________________________________ July 25th, 2003 DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to make this plugin data safe and bug free. However, use this plugin at your own risk! I am not responsible for any disasters you might encounter while using this plugin. Back up your models frequently! Requirements: DirectX 8 -OR- 9 MilkShape 3D 3D Hardware Acceleration? Installation Instructions: Depending on whether you have DirectX 8 or 9 installed, put the following dll in your Milkshape directory with the rest of the plugins: msSelectionEditor8.dll for DirectX 8 msSelectionEditor.dll for DirectX 9 __________________________________________________ Version 093 History __________________________________________________ - Fixed: Selection w/ Ctrl+left mouse btn down flicker - Added: Startup dialog to automatically add the plugin to shortcuts.ini if it isn't already in there. (It adds it to the *bottom* of shortcuts.ini) - Added: Created DirectX 8 version (msSelectionEditor8.dll) - Added: On cancel, the plugin calls msModel_Destroy to toss any changes (including the unwelding of the verts) - Fixed: Locked the zoom from going negative - Added: Dynamic scaling for all size models - Added: Automatic centering of models at 0,0,0 origin - Fixed: Orientation of model in view at startup - Fixed: Extended far clip plane - Changed: Initial outline and lighting colors/alpha. - Added: Reset View button (Rat's idea, Thanks!) - Added: Background Color adjustment - Fixed: Normals drawing black (unlit) at times. __________________________________________________ Version 092 History __________________________________________________ - Initial release __________________________________________________ Known Issues for Ver 0.93 beta (TODO list) 1. Only bmp, dds, dib, jpg, png, and tga texture formats are currently supported. (This will be fixed in a future release) 2. Vertex selection mode is not finished. 3. Flat shading uses vertex normals instead of face normals. 4. As with all plugins, you will need to re-weld your vertices after using Selection Editor. 5. Please report bugs to the SDK forum where you downloaded this plugin from. forumdisplay.php3?s=&forumid=5 6. Give me your suggestions! I can't promise all will make it in, but I'd like to make this plugin as useful as possible. Author: Andrew "MrScary" Welch